Sunday, June 16, 2013

The After's...So Far.

I don't think we'll ever be completely done with this Duplex.  

There's always a new project or redesign we find ourselves thinking about or actually getting into. 
So far, I think we've come a very long way!

Without further ado, here are the after's of the last 
2 months worth of work we've accomplished

Game room:


 The Living Room:


Welcome to our Nest

Welcome Friends!

I'd like to start my update with a little mini tour of the Duplex!
Keep in mind, however, that it's still a major work in progress and I've been very naughty when it comes to getting before and after's taken.

I'm doing my best!

This is what you saw when entering the front door. 
Our soon to be game room in MINT. Blech.
This lady seriously had horrible taste in color!

Here's a shot of the game room from the stairs. Notice the lovely mint colored radiator! :(
I could not paint these radiators fast enough!

I apologize for the blurry shot.
This is the view when you enter the back door. 
 It's almost as though you're walking through a berry patch.
Even the bathroom couldn't escape from the creeping berries from Hell.

On to the kitchen. A lovely color of turquoise that only a grandmother in 
Palm Beach could appreciate
Notice the lovely painted border circling the entire kitchen!

And finally, the living room. Mint, just like the game room. .

 Still hideous.

So there, you have it.  These are all the before's I have.  The upstairs was just as bad.  
Our bedroom was sickeningly yellow,
 Jay's room was mint 
and my craft room was the only room we didn't paint because
 it was a fairly nice shade of blue. 

want to paint again!

Six Month Sprint!

Hello All!
I can't believe it's already been six whole months since I last posted here!
 It's been a crazy six months so forgive me for my lack of updates. 
 I do, however, have a lot to tell and show you! 
 We have been busy little bees for the past few months getting settled in our new nest!

To start, we've only been living in the Duplex since April.  
There was a bit of an issue with the former tenants living here and it took a whole month after their original eviction date for us to get them to finally leave!

Thankfully, they left the place pretty spotless, minus their hideous choice of 
paint colors in each room.
Since April we've been thrifting, garage sale-ing and picking and it's a great feeling
 to see all our plans and ideas coming together!  

I've also got a new job as a Teacher's Aide and I LOVE it!

As much as I love my new job it does mean that I have even fewer hours in the day to 
get all my projects (and cleaning!) done.  

But that's what weekends are for right?!

In the next few posts I'll try to get you all up to date on what we've been up to these past few months.

Thanks for being patient with us while we get our 
nest feathered!